Our journey begins in 1995 with the opening of 8 to 8 cigars in Villa Park, Illinois. Our commitment to customer service and our superior cigar
collection has given us the reputation of being of the premier Tobacco Retailers in the area. In 2010 we opened Casa de Montecristo Fine Cigars and
Smoking Lounge in Countryside, Illinois, with the intent of creating the ultimate location for cigar retail and smoking enjoyment. The upstairs retail area
at Casa de Montecristo houses our state of the art handmade humidified retail cases, a state of the art walk in humidor, a never before seen vintage
room, and an Escaparate Case (Spanish for gallery where we showcase rare and aged cigars). There is even a lounge in the retail area complete
with fireplace and a TV. The lower level VIP Lounge is complete with conference room, movie theatre room, bar area (Spirits BYOB but we stock
everything else!), an airtight coat closet, five large screen TV's, cigar lockers, and even a hostess is available to make sure your drinks are always filled
and your table always clean. With the addition of our online store in the past few years we can now proudly offer the same collection of cigars to every
home in the continental United States. We are so proud to be in an industry where this is not only a job to us, but a lifestyle. We are so appreciative of
our customers that have allowed us to grow and become a formidable force in the cigar industry. You, the customer, have always been our central
focus and our commitment to you will always grow as we strive to expand and enhance your smoking experience.
At Casa de Montecristo Fine Cigars and Smoking Lounge we are committed to offering the best selection of premium and ultra premium cigars. We
hold our online store to this standard as well. We offer one of the most complete selections of premium cigars on the market, including rare, aged,
and hard to find cigars. Our longstanding relationships with Cigar Manufacturers allow us to bring you this amazing collection at a fantastic price. We
meticulously maintain our humidors and aging rooms to offer the freshest product. So know that when you purchase from our online store your cigars
are coming from a cutting edge technology meticulously maintained humidor - not a warehouse. We individually inspect every box and/or cigar prior to
shipping and purchase so when you sit down to smoke you can be guaranteed there will be no blemish on your cigars or no issues with your box. We
are committed to providing superior customer service. We strive to have a personal relationship with our customers not just simply be their local
tobacco retailer. Our goal if for you, the customer, to be completely 100% satisfied with your experience from the selection process to the smoking
experience whether you've purchased in one of our stores or you've purchased through the Internet.
Thank You
Top Quality Cigars
Feel Free To Call Us 1.630.834.7777
Copyright © 2013 Top Quality Cigars. All rights reserved.
All items, including style, color Selection,
prices are subject to availability and can
change without notice. Typographic and/or
photographic errors are subject to
correction. Please email us for any
suggestions. Thank You
topqualitycigars.com site does not sell cigars or any related products to anyone under the age of 18 (or the minimum age in your local jurisdiction,
whichever is higher). We do not sell cigarettes. We operate our site in compliance with the children's online privacy protection act. And will not
knowingly collect or use any personal information from anyone under the legal age limit. Thank You
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