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Top Quality Cigars | 630.834.7777
Casa De Montecristo | 708.352.6668
8 To 8 Cigars | 630.993.1234
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The newest installment of the Monster Series; the Pudgy Monsters.  These are a cross between the original release sizes and the sizes
of the Little Monsters.  You will get one of these pudgy versions of each of the 6 existing monsters as well as four new cigars!  These
new cigars are based on the characters from the Bride of Chucky.  You will be getting two Chuck's and two Tiff's.

For our initial shipment we only received 20 boxes.  But we are expecting another large shipment.  We will ship the 20 boxes
immediately but when those are gone we will move to a pre-order and then ship those in a few weeks when the other shipment arrives!
