TOP QUALITY CIGARS | 630.834.7777
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Top Quality Cigars | 630.834.7777
Casa De Montecristo | 708.352.6668
8 To 8 Cigars | 630.993.1234
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The Savoy-Boveda humidor collection requires minimal maintenance with 2-way humidification reliability. Remove the guesswork from
monitoring humidity levels and enjoy the handcrafted quality these
Humidors have to offer. They come in a variety of finishes and
sizes, and are so highly regarded that we use them ourselves at home!

These humidors will keep humidity right on target, at whichever level you like to set them. Perfect for aging your cigars long term, or
for housing them while they rotate from shop to ashtray.
                               AVAILABLE SIZES

Size                     Capacity                                                           Dimensions

Small                  25 Cigars                                                 10 ¼ L x 8 ¾ W x 4 ½ H

Medium              50 Cigars                                                  11 ¾ L x 9 ½ W x 5 H

Large                 100 Cigars                                               13 ½ L x 9 ⅜; W x 6 ¼ H
                             AVAILABLE SIZES

Size                     Capacity                                                           Dimensions

Small                  25 Cigars                                                 10 ¼ L x 8 ¾ W x 4 ½ H

Medium              50 Cigars                                                  11 ¾ L x 9 ½ W x 5 H

Large                 100 Cigars                                               13 ½ L x 9 ⅜; W x 6 ¼ H
                           AVAILABLE SIZES

Size                     Capacity                                                           Dimensions

Small                  25 Cigars                                                 10 ¼ L x 8 ¾ W x 4 ½ H

Medium              50 Cigars                                                  11 ¾ L x 9 ½ W x 5 H

Large                 100 Cigars                                               13 ½ L x 9 ⅜; W x 6 ¼ H
                         AVAILABLE SIZES

Size                     Capacity                                                           Dimensions

Small                  25 Cigars                                                 10 ¼ L x 8 ¾ W x 4 ½ H

Medium              50 Cigars                                                  11 ¾ L x 9 ½ W x 5 H

Large                 100 Cigars                                               13 ½ L x 9 ⅜; W x 6 ¼ H
                       AVAILABLE SIZES

Size                     Capacity                                                           Dimensions

Small                  25 Cigars                                                 10 ¼ L x 8 ¾ W x 4 ½ H

Medium              50 Cigars                                                  11 ¾ L x 9 ½ W x 5 H

Large                 100 Cigars                                               13 ½ L x 9 ⅜; W x 6 ¼ H