TOP QUALITY CIGARS | 630.834.7777
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Top Quality Cigars | 630.834.7777
Casa De Montecristo | 708.352.6668
8 To 8 Cigars | 630.993.1234
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Cigars are not just a Job for us, they’re a lifestyle. We always strive to think outside the box and push the envelope
when it comes to this industry, and we want each and every one of our customers to share in that experience. One
of the best ways we can do that is to share our vintage collection.

Our passion is best showcased in our attention to detail when it comes to aging cigars. Not only do we
enthusiastically seek out limited edition cigars from manufacturers, but we also add to our collection with carefully
selected cigars we feel will benefit significantly from extra time to sit and mature. All of the cigars in this collection
are kept in the “vault” at Casa de Montecristo where the temperature and humidity are closely monitored to
maintain optimum aging conditions.

Due to the nature of the aging process, different cigars are released to the public whenever they’re ready.
Check back often to see the newest additions!