TOP QUALITY CIGARS | 630.834.7777
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Top Quality Cigars | 630.834.7777
Casa De Montecristo | 708.352.6668
8 To 8 Cigars | 630.993.1234
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Zino Davidoff had a great sense of humor and a well-developed feeling for the beautiful things in life. He was an artist who understood
people and respected them. He never lost sight of his purpose; to enrich life through enjoying its good things. The Davidoff family has
produced luxury-quality cigars for more than 100 years, and many consider some of their cigars to be near-perfect.  In fact, there are
not many brands to rival the quality, aroma, and character of a Davidoff cigar.

We recognize that some of our cigars offered do not come with bands.  This brings us full circle to our passion for cigars.  We are less
interested in the ornate packaging and label that often accompany and adorn rare and limited cigars.  What we are more interested in
is providing you, the customer, with a smoking experience that is the exception and not the norm.  We aggressively collect cigars that
will benefit the most from the aging process.  The cigars that do not have bands were specifically bought in bulk for this very purpose.  
Our goal is to take a great cigar and try to make it better.