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Top Quality Cigars | 630.834.7777
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Our Price
Box of 20
Matilde Cigars was created by Master Blender Jose Seijas.  He used his 40 plus years of experience to create something very unique
and special.  The factory in which this cigar was made, Tabacalera de Matilde, was founded in 1876.  It closed for a bit but has been
re-opened by Mr. Seijas and this is the first project to come out of that factory in years.  

This cigar is a robust combination of coffee and dark chocolate with a slightly sweet finish.  Even though it is robust and complex it is
also a very smooth smoke.  As you smoke it the many years of experience Mr. Seijas brings to the table will show through.  This is a
great cigar with history.  
5 Pack
Our Price
Box of 20
5 Pack
Our Price
Box of 20
5 Pack